It is a service that allows the registration of channels and programs for audio or visual blogging that provide digital media content broadcast in episodes on non-scheduled basis through specialized platforms or social media platforms, managed by legal or natural persons.
This service enables consumers to inquire about or report media violations falling within the jurisdiction of the media system and its functions. The service is categorized into several features, including a Help Center, submitting a media report, and objecting to a violation.
It is a service that allows individuals to provide advertising content via social media platforms.
It is a service that allows the registration of channels and programs for audio or visual blogging that provide digital media content broadcast in episodes on non-scheduled basis through specialized platforms or social media platforms, managed by legal or natural persons.
This service enables the marketing of books, magazines, newspapers, and educational materials both internally and externally through distribution points, as well as participation in book fairs.
This service enables the sale of devices that receive electronic signals or display media content through any communication means (satellite or terrestrial), such as televisions, radios, related devices, and accessories like satellite dishes, control devices, cables, and device operation accessories.
This service allows for the provision of radio services, which include broadcasting audio programs over the internet (internet radio stations).
Certificate issued by the Authority for media entities for the purpose of filming in public and tourist places for media and commercial purposes.
The General Content Service includes several sub-services with their respective fees: Series: Platform Films: 2,000 SAR per episode. Television programs that are broadcast directly or indirectly: 2,000 SAR. Advertisements: 2,000 SAR. Audio Content: 2,000 SAR. Scenarios for Filming Permits (Texts): 2,000 SAR. No fees. However, preliminary approval is granted in preparation for issuing a non-objection certificate for filming. Customs Permits: No fees. It is the clearance of media material authorized by the General Authority for Audiovisual Media.
Monitor video games games inlays and ensuere the age rating is correct then provide the clearance. For game import requests: For all other requests:
This service enables consumers to inquire about or report media violations falling within the jurisdiction of the media system and its functions. The service is categorized into several features, including a Help Center, submitting a media report, and objecting to a violation.
Statement of claim for consideration and decision under the Publications and Publishing Law and the General Authority for Audiovisual Media Law, and for imposing penalties.
Media Equipment Accreditation for Delegations Participating in Events and Activities Held in the Kingdom.
A service that allows you to inquire about the compliance of a device that has not been previously imported.
A service that enables you to submit a customs clearance request and issue a customs clearance permit with ease.
Classification and clearance of non-profit films for the government sector, private sector, and non-profit sector.
Creating, operating, and managing systems for measuring viewership, listenership, and readership across various media, including television, radio, print, and digital media.
This service allows obtaining a license for publications (magazines and newspapers).
License to sell devices that receive electronic signals, and/or display media content through any means of communication; (satellite or terrestrial and the like); such as: televisions (including smart TVs), radios, related devices, and accessories of these devices (including reception dishes, control devices, wires, and parts for operating the device).
Engaging in wholesale software sales, including importing
It refers to: a license for the purpose of selling and renting visual and/or audio content through portable and/or physical means; (such as: CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs). This license also applies to all online stores engaging in this activity in the Kingdom.
Broadcasting via mobile phone or other electronic means (messages, news, advertisements, pictures, etc.) and broadcasting on mobile phones for short messages through services (SMS) and (MMS) and others, whether they are news, advertisements, pictures, or otherwise.
The practice of showcasing and selling local and foreign computer software, and leasing it under special licenses from the producers of those programs
Practicing cloning of ready-made computer software
Certificate issued by the Authority for certain activities or services that require a No Objection Certificate, in accordance with the regulations set by the Authority.
A certificate granted by the authority for certain activities or services that require a no-objection certificate, in accordance with the regulations set by the authority.
Monitor video game trailers then provide the clearance for both rated and unrated video games.
Approval and age classification of commercial advertising content for display in cinemas.
Clearance and distribution of content for display in public places at cinemas.
A service that allows you to obtain an import permit for media publications.
Approval process for the display of movie posters.
Examining the content of the electronic game to ensure compliance with the age rating of the game's content. The process takes between two to ten working days (depending on the duration of the game).
Classifying game content for the appropriate age
Clearance for home movie content in DVD format.
Distribution of audio recordings, referring to content in audio media.
Approval and classification of commercial or for-profit movies.
It is a material that is authorized for the texts of series, plays, and movies.
This service allows issuing an authorization for another person to issue licenses, permits, and use commercial records.
License to provide media services through equipped studios and locations for the production and recording of professional media content for all purposes. The studios are divided into two categories: 1- Fixed Studio: A location equipped for the production and recording of media content, including control and surveillance rooms. 2- Mobile Studio: A mobile vehicle or trailer containing the necessary equipment for producing or recording digital content.
A certificate granted by the authority for certain activities or services that require a No Objection Certificate, according to the regulations set by the authority.
Certificate of No Objection for Establishing Training Centers and Institutes, granted by the authority for some activities or services that require such a certificate.
Certificate of No Objection for changes in the structure or ownership of the licensed establishment, granted by the authority for certain activities or services that require such a certificate.
Certificate of No Objection granted by the authority for certain activities or services that require such certificate, in accordance with the guidelines specified by the authority.
It is a service that allows individuals to provide advertising content via social media platforms.
A website with a fixed address that offers services in publishing written, audio, and visual journalism on the network. It allocates all or some of its pages exclusively for subscribers, including institutions and individuals, charging a specified monthly or annual fee, while preventing non-subscribers from accessing the same pages dedicated to subscribers.
She is the one who undertakes the issuance of any scientific, cultural, or artistic production in an electronic format for the purpose of circulation.
A service that allows you to cancel the publishing license electronically.
Practicing class services, color sorting, design, or directing materials prepared for printing.
Copying refers to the practice of photographing documents and records for commercial use, and photocopying is the practice of taking pictures of more than one copy of readable prints or images for distribution.
Practicing activities related to normal or colored photography, and developing and printing films on paper, cloth, or the like.
The activity of displaying and selling or renting used books.
Practicing the activity of displaying and selling or renting newspapers, magazines, books, and auxiliary educational materials.
Practicing activities related to writing calligraphy in its standard forms or in neon, writing and manufacturing advertising and promotional signs, and practicing drawing, displaying, and selling art paintings in all forms. Additionally, the preparation of seals is subject to a special license from the ministry.
The practice of displaying and selling local and foreign computer programs and renting them under special licenses from the producers of those programs.
A certificate issued by the authority to those working in the media sector in the kingdom, noting that it is not considered a substitute for the work card.
Establishing, operating, and managing systems for measuring viewership, listenership, and readership of various media: television, radio, print, digital media, and conducting research and studies on visual and audio media and examining the impact of media on the audience in the Kingdom. Service Cost: 30,000 Riyals for issuing a viewership measurement license (restricted to only one licensee). 30,000 Riyals for issuing a media studies license (excluding viewership measurement).
This is to engage in the business of creating economic feasibility studies for media activities and their projects, and providing media consultancy to media outlets, their impacts, and activities, and to assess their influence through field studies and public opinion polls, as well as developing and preparing studies and research for media campaigns, designing appropriate plans for them, monitoring, and evaluating their results.
Providing services to public and private institutions concerning the preparation and training of their employees to keep up with the campaign, and offering services for organizing seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and supervising them in terms of handling all matters related to the reception, farewells, accommodation, transportation, accompanying guests, and the like. Additionally, creating commercial events to stimulate marketing such as festivals and temporary exhibitions and preparing invitations for participation in them.
This service enables the practice of activities related to designing and implementing commercial advertisements, editorial, photographic, drawn, spoken ads, and issuing calendars, planners, commercial and economic guides, service guides, gifts, and similar items. It also involves preparing and executing marketing campaigns related to goods and services. Additionally, it serves advertising and marketing establishments that promote goods or services through visual and auditory media, which includes supervising client accounts on social media platforms and similar services.
A website with a fixed address, providing network-centric journalistic publishing services, issued periodically.
Automated printing of words and images on paper, fabric, or similar materials.
A website with a fixed address, offering journalistic publishing services on the network (sites that publish news, reports, investigations, articles, etc.) which are issued at regular or irregular intervals.
Providing supportive media services, representing internal and external media outlets and corresponding with them.
Licensing for publishing newspapers and magazines related to the issuance, preparation, and financing of any written production.
This service enables investors to engage in activities related to the issuance, preparation, and financing of any written production, whether scientific, cultural, or artistic, for the purpose of distribution, as well as participation in book fairs.
This service enables the distribution of foreign books and publications content and allows for their trading and publishing.
This service enables the distribution of local books and publications and allows for their trading and publishing.
This service enables the provision of radio service that includes the transmission of audio programs through any medium. Service cost 100,000 Riyals for the broadcasting service via a terrestrial station (the authority specifies the geographical range and the financial consideration for distribution points for each license). 2,000 Riyals for the broadcasting service via other means.
This license grants the operation of a distribution platform through cable and television, using the Internet Protocol, enabling it to provide visual and audio content via unified servers and coaxial cables, and optical fiber cables. The activities that offer visual broadcasting service over a closed network (like cable service) aim to deliver the content of their activities to their own distribution points. Service Cost 50,000 Riyals for operating platform license. 50,000 Riyals for operating closed networks license.
The entity that obtains this license can distribute audio and visual content using the video on demand system. Services like SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, OTT, and their applications, or through a platform: This allows the beneficiary to choose and watch audiovisual content at any time they select, rather than at a scheduled broadcast time which may be linked to servers inside or outside the kingdom. Multi-Channel Networks (MCN) are digital channels that operate under video platforms, such as YouTube, and may have a presence within or outside the kingdom. Service Cost: 2000 SAR for SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, OTT services, and their applications. 2000 SAR for Multi-Channel Networks fees.
This service enables the investor to issue a license for what is scheduled to be broadcast at specific times, according to a schedule published through any means. This includes scheduled television stations and other services with subscriptions or otherwise.
Assembly platforms that connect to the fixed infrastructure for uplink; to provide uplink facilities via satellite.
The provided text describes a service for operating a satellite uplink station for content distribution purposes. It enables the creation, operation, and maintenance of mobile satellite communication equipment such as Satellite News Gathering (SNG) vehicles and specialized satellite broadcast phones for live broadcasting of sports, news, politics, and cultural events to aggregation platforms connected to the fixed infrastructure for uplinking. Cost of service: Commercial purposes: 90,000 SAR Personal purposes: 30,000 SAR
License to operate a terrestrial broadcast station capable of providing visual and audio content through radio waves for television/radio broadcasting service.
This service enables the operation of a platform for distributing and managing satellite television channels, including providers of live broadcast distribution services using Conditional Access System (CAS) for visual and auditory content. Service Cost: Initial Fee: 50,000 SAR, plus an additional 2,000 SAR for each encrypted channel. Annual Financial Contribution: 4 SAR per subscriber annually (calculated based on the average number of monthly subscribers, and calculated at the end of each calendar year).
This service enables the importation of devices that receive electronic signals or display media content through any means of communication (satellite or terrestrial), such as televisions, radios, related devices, and accessories like reception dishes, control devices, cables, and device operation devices.
This service enables the production of visual and audio media content, including television programs, radio programs, films, visual and audio media content, video games and animations, dubbing and accompanying translation, editing, graphics, and written texts for visual and audio media works.
This service enables the distribution of cinematic films or television programs, or their importation from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This service enables obtaining a license for the import, sale, or distribution of visual or auditory content through portable or physical means such as: CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. It is also possible to license or purchase rights and redistribute and sell them in facilities that offer arcade gaming services. This license also applies to all online stores that engage in this activity in the Kingdom. This service does not include cinematic films, videos, and television programs. Service Cost License for importing and distributing visual and auditory media content: 20,000 Riyals Retail license for visual and auditory media content: 2,000 Riyals For each additional sale or distribution point linked to the same commercial registry: 1,000 Riyals